Governance Timelock


The GovernanceTimelock contract is deployed on all destination chains. Its role is to delay all governance action messages for a specific period of time before they can be executed. The main purpose of this delay is to give Uniswap stakeholders on destination chains enough time to respond to any invalid governance decisions that may be submitted due to compromised AMBs.

The GovernanceTimelock is also the global owner of all components on the destination chain. It has ownership of the MultiBridgeMessageReceiver contract and all receiver adapters on the destination chain. This ensures that the Uniswap DAO on Ethereum has exclusive control over key protocol parameters and that any changes to these parameters must follow the same governance process and delays required for other governance messages.


  • schedule governance messages for execution after a pre-specified delay period

  • execute transactions encoded in a message

  • update time lock delay parameters



schedules a given transaction for execution after a pre-configured delay paramter. This function can only be called by the admin, which corresponds to the MultiBrigeMessageReceiver on the destination chain.

function scheduleTransaction(address _target, uint256 _value, bytes memory _data) external onlyAdmin
  • _target is the address to call by low-level call

  • _value is the value to pass to target by low-level call

  • _data is the abieencoded function selector and arguments data, to execute on target


Executes a previously scheduled transaction if it has reached its ETA, but has not exceeded a grace period beyond that.

function executeTransaction(uint256 _txId, address _target, uint256 _value, bytes memory _data, uint256 _eta)
external payable;
  • _txId is the unique identifier of the executed transaction, generated when the transaction was scheduled

  • _target is the address to call by low-level call

  • _value is the value to pass to target by low-level call

  • _data is the abieencoded function selector and arguments data, to execute on target

  • _eta is the timestamp after which the transaction should be executed


Changes the time period that transactions must be queued for before they can be executed. This function can only be called by the time lock contract itself.

function setDelay(uint256 _delay) external override onlySelf


Changes the admin, who is authorised to schedule transactions. This function can only be called by the time lock contract itself.

function setAdmin(address _newAdmin) external override onlySelf


  • TransactionScheduled: emitted when a transaction is scheduled for execution.

  • TransactionExecuted: emitted when a transaction is executed.

  • DelayUpdated: emitted when the time delay parameter is updated.

  • AdminUpdated: emitted when the admin that can schedule transactions is changed.


  • IGovernanceTimelock: interface for GovernanceTimelock contract

Last updated