Message Sender Adapters

The IMessageSenderAdapter provides a sender adapter contract that connects MultiBridgeMessageSender with each AMB endpoint.


The IMessageSenderAdapter extends the SingleMessageDispatcher interface (EIP-5164 standard) and defines the following functions:


This function returns the name of the message bridge.

function name() external view returns (string memory);


This function is used to update the address of the receiver adapter on a destination chain.

function updateReceiverAdapter(uint256[] calldata _dstChainIds, address[] calldata _receiverAdapters) external;


This function is used to retrieve the receiver adapter address for a given destination chain ID.

function receiverAdapters(uint256 _chainId) external view returns (address);

The interface defines the following event:


event ReceiverAdapterUpdated(uint256 indexed dstChainId, address indexed oldReceiver, address indexed newReceiver);

Emitted when the sender's corresponding receiver adapter on a destination chain is changed through the updateReceiverAdapter() function.


interface SingleMessageDispatcher is MessageDispatcher

The SingleMessageDispatcher interface extends the MessageDispatcher interface and defines an additional method, dispatchMessage()

function dispatchMessage(
    uint256 _toChainId,
    address _to,
    bytes calldata _data
) external payable returns (bytes32 messageId);

dispatchMessage() dispatches an individual message to be executed on the toChainId.


MessageDispatcher interface defines the following event:

event MessageDispatched(
    bytes32 indexed _messageId,
    address indexed _from,
    uint256 indexed _toChainId,
    address _to,
    bytes _data

This event is emitted by aMessageDispatcher contract when an individual message is dispatched. It includes the following parameters:

  • _messageId: A bytes32 value representing the unique identifier for the message.

  • _from: The address of the sender of the message.

  • _toChainId: A uint256 value representing the chain ID of the chain where the message is being dispatched.

  • _to: The address of the recipient of the message.

  • _data: The data of the message being dispatched.

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